The hot water boiler is the main device that heats water (heat transfer fluid) to heat an entire house room by room. Water is heated by an energy source (electricity, natural gas/propane or wood) and distributed to all rooms in the residence through a hydronic copper or steel network. This type of system requires regular maintenance in order to preserve its effectiveness.
Although more expensive to install, a hot water heating system has several benefits and offers great flexibility.
The heat is uniformly and evenly distributed throughout your home.
The costs associated with using a hot water heating system are more economical than a traditional electric baseboard system. In addition, it is an eco-friendly system that does not emit any pollutants.
A hot water boiler is a heating unit that uses electricity, natural gas/propane or wood to heat water. One or more circulators circulate the water through radiators, convectors, baseboards or underfloor heating systems for heating the entire house. Heat transfer is by radiation.
Dettson, Thermo2000, Lochinvar and much more.
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